Je vindt hier een overzicht van onze publicaties in 2014.
Publicaties 2014
Bales, D.L., Timmans, R., Andrea, H., Busschbach, J.J.V., Verheul, R., Kamphuis, J.H. (2014). Effectiveness of Day Hospital Mentalization-Based Treatment for Patients with Severe Borderline Personality Disorder: A Matchted Control Study. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Article First published online. Pdf
Berghuis, H., Kamphuis, J.H., Verheul, R. (2014). Specific Personality Traits and General Personality Dysfunction ad Predictors of the Presence and Severity of Personality Disorders in a Clinical Sample. Journal of Personality Assessment, 96:4, 410-416. Pdf
De Saeger, H., Kamphuis, J.H., Finn, S.E., Smit, J.D., Verheul, R., Busschbach, J.J.V., Feenstra, D.J., Horn, E.K. (2014). Therapeutic Assessment promotes treatment readiness but does not affect symptom change in patients with personality disorders: findings from a Randomized Clinical Trial. Psychological Assessment. Article First published online.
Feenstra, D.J., Laurenssen, E.M.P., Hutsebaut, J. Verheul, R., Busschbach, J.J.V. (2014). Predictors of treatment outcome of Inpatient Psychotherapy for Adolescents with personality pathology. Personality and Mental Health, 8, 102-114. Pdf
Feenstra, D.J., Hutsebaut, J., Verheul, R., & van Limbeek, J. (2014). Changes in the identity integration of adolescents in treatment for personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorder, 28, 101-112. Pdf
Feenstra, D.J., Laurenssen, E.M.P., Timman, R., Verheul, R., Busschbach, J.J.V., & Hutsebaut, J. (in druk). Long-term outcome of Inpatient Psychotherapy for Adolescents (IPA) with personality pathology. Journal of Personality Disorders.
Feenstra, D.J., & Hutsebaut, J. (2014). De prevalentie, ziektelast, structuur en behandeling van persoonlijkheidsstoornissen bij adolescenten. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 56. 319-325
Hendriks, M.E.D., Lange, A.M.C., Boonstoppel-Boender, M., & Van der Rijken, R.E.A. (2014). Functional Family Therapy en Multi Systeem Therapie: Een vergelijking van doelgroepen. Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk, 53, 355-366.
Hillewaere, B. & Van Hennik, R. (2014). Ervaringsgericht perspectief. In A. Savenije, M.J. van Lawick, & E.T.M. Reijmers (Red.), Handboek systeemtherapie (hoofdstuk 22). Utrecht: de Tijdstroom.
Horn, E.V., Verheul, R., Thunnissen, M., Delimon, J., Soons, M., Meerman, A.M.M.A., Ziegler, U.M. Rossum, B.V., Andrea, H., Stijnen, T., Emmelkamp, P.M.G., Busschbach, J.J.V. (2014). Cost-Effectiveness of Short-term Inpatient Psychotherapy based on Transactional Analysis in Patients with Personality Disorders. Running Title: Cost-effectiveness of Short-Term Inpatient Psychotherapy in PD patients. Pdf
Horn, E.V., Verheul, R., Thunnissen, M., Delimon, J., Soons, M., Meerman, A.M.M.A., Ziegler, U.M. Rossum, B.V., Andrea, H., Stijnen, T., Emmelkamp, P.M.G., Busschbach, J.J.V. (2014). Effectiveness of Short-Term Inpatient Psychotherapy based on Transactional Analysis in Patients with Personality Disorders: A Matched Control Study using Propensity Score. Running Title: Effectiveness of Short-Term Inpatient Psychotherapy in PD Patients. Pdf
Horn, E.V., Bartak A., Meerman, A.M.M.A., Rossum, B.V., Ziegler, U.M., Thunnissen, M., Soons, M., Andrea, H., Hamers, E.F.M., Emmelkamp, P.M.G., Stijnen, T., Busschbach, J.J.V., Verheul, R. (2014). Effectiveness of Psychotherapy in Personality Disorders Not Otherwise Specified: A Comparison of Different Treatment Modalities. Clinical Psychologiy and Psychotherapy. Article First published online. Pdf
Lange, A. Vuyst de, K., Rijken van der, R. (2014) Multi systeem therapie voor mensen met een LVB: een pilotonderzoek. Onderzoek & Praktijk, 1, 15-22. Pdf
Laurenssen, E.M.P., Hutsebaut, J., Feenstra, D.J., Bales, D.L., Noom, M.J., Busschbach, J.J.V., Verheul, R., Luyten, P. (2014). Feasibility of Mentalization -Based Treatment for Adolescents with Borderline Symptoms: A Pilot Study. Psychotherapy, 51, 159-166
Laurenssen, E.M.P., Westra, D., Kikkert, M.J., Noom, M.J., Eeren, H. V., Broekhuyzen van, A.J., Peen, J., Luyten, P., Busschbach, J.J.V., Dekker, J.M. (2014). Day Hospital Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT-DH) versus treatment as usual in the treatment of severe borderline personality disorder: protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. Article First published online. Pdf
Scholte, W.R., Eurelings-Bontekoe, E.H.M., Tiemens, B.G., Verheul, R., Meerman, A., Hutschemaekers, G.J.M. (2014). Association between level of personality organization as assessed with theory-driven profiles of the Dutch Short Form of the MMPI for personality disorder. Bulletin of hte Menninger Clinic, 78:2, 160-176. Pdf
Van den Hoven, E., Joosten, W., Kuijpers, F., Leunissen, J., & Van der Rijken, R. (2014). Multisysteemtherapie bij autismespectrumstoornissen. Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 4, 180-187.
Wetzelaer, P.,Farrell, J., Evers, S.M.A.A., Jacob, G.A., Lee, C.W., Brand, O., Breukelen van, G., Fassbinder, E., Fretwell, H., Harper, R.P., Lavender, A.M., Lockwood, G., Malogiannis, I.A., Schweiger, U., Startup, H., Stevenson, T. Zarbock, G., Arntz, A. (2014). Desigin of an international multicentre RCT on group schema therapy for borderline personality disorder. BMC Psychiatry . Study protocol. Pdf
Laurenssen, E.M.P., Smits, M.L., Bales, D.L., Feenstra, D.J., Eeren, H.V., Noom, M.J., Köster, M.A., Lucas, Z., Timman, R., Dekker, J.J.M., Luyten, P., Busschbach, J.J.V., & Verheul, R. (2014). Day hospital Mentalization-based Treatment versus intensive outpatient Mentalization-based Treatment for patients with severe borderline Personality disorder: protocol of a multicentre randomized clinical trial. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 301.
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