Je vindt hier de wetenschappelijke publicaties van 2012.
Bales, D., Beek, N. van, Smits, M., Willemsen, S., Busschbach, J.J.V., Verheul, R., Andrea, H. (2012) Treatment outcome of 18-month, day hospital mentalization-based treatment (MBT) in patients with severe borderline personality in the Netherland. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26, 568-582.
Berghuis, H., Kamphuis, J.H., Verheul, R. (2012). Core features of personality disorder: differentiating general personality dysfuctioning from personality traits. Journal of Personality Disorders 26 (5), 704-716.
Bosch, L.M.C. van den & Verheul R., (2012). Personality disorders. In: J.C. Verster, K. Brady, M. Galanter, P. Conrod (Eds). Drug Abuse and Addiction in Medical Illness (pp. 311-321). New York, NY: Springer.
Feenstra, D.J., Hutsebaut, J., Laurenssen, E.M.P., Verheul, R., Busschbach, J.J.V., & Soeteman, D.I. (2012). The burden of disease among adolescents with personality pathology: Quality of life and costs. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26(4), 593-604.
Hermens M, van Splunteren P, van den Bosch A & R. Verheul. Capaciteitsproblemen grote belemmering. De behandeling van borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis. De Psycholoog, 47(9), 44-50.
Hutsebaut, J., Bales, D., Busschbach, J.J.V., Verheul, R. (2012). The implementation of mentalization-based treatment for adolescents: a case study. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 6 (10).
Kavelaars, M., Van Geffen, W., & Van der Rijken R. (2012). Multi Systeem Therapie: Een evidence based behandelmethode voor ernstig antisociale jongeren. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 42, 105-116.
Manen, J.G. van, Kamphuis, J.H., Goossensen, A., Tinman, R., Busschbach, J.J.V., Verheul, R. (2012). In search of patient characteristics that may guide empirically based treatment selection for personality disorder patients – a concept map approach. Journal of Personality Disorders, (26)4, 481-497.
Schawo, S. J., Van Eeren, H., Soeteman, D. I., Van der Veldt, M-C., Noom, M. J., Brouwer, W., Van Busschbach, J. J., & Hakkaart, L. (2012). Framework for modelling the cost-effectiveness of systemic interventions aimed to reduce youth delinquency. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 15, 187-196.
Scholte, W., Tiemens, B.G., Verheul, R., Meerman, A. Egger, J. & Hutsemaekers, G. (2012). Predictive Validity of the MMPI-2 Clinical, PSY-5, and RC Scales for Therapy DIsruptive Behavior. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 18, 420-429.
Verheul R. (2012). Personality Disorder Proposal for DSM-V: A heroic and Innovative but Nevertheless Fundamentally Flawed Attempt to Improve DSM-IV. Clin. Psychol. Psychother. (5) 369-371.